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Welcome and thank you for visiting the Golden Age Electronics profile. I am Mr.Daniel Jacob, President and CEO.

The Golden Age Electronics business model is our platform for success. I have always believed that when it comes to defining and communicating a corporation’s vision and goals, conciseness is a virtue.

We continuously focus on:
Quality – Exceptional quality delights our customers and is essential to customer growth and retention.
Service – At Golden Age Electronics, service is not simply a concept. It’s how we develop and maintain customer loyalty.
Innovation – It is the driving force behind our long term growth.
Peak performance – Our commitment is to prepare as individuals and as a corporation to do our best.

We also make corporate responsibility a top priority. Our reputation for corporate integrity attracts great team members, great customers, and even greater opportunities. It is a key to our long-term success.
I am continually impressed by the resourcefulness and entrepreneurial quality displayed by our people and the exceptional value they bring to the company. This allows us to deliver added product value and outstanding customer service to clients who can count on us to carry out our promises. Our staff and executive team at Golden Age Electronics are regularly assessing and reviewing our clients’ needs, the programs we offer, and the effectiveness of the services we provide.

That is Golden Age Electronics — A company with a proud past and a bright future!

On behalf of Golden Age Electronics, I invite you to explore our profile and learn more about all we have to offer.
I am sure you will see why we love what we do.


Mr.Daniel Jacob, President and CEO.